About Us
Akdeniz Jubilee Church is an English speaking, international, interdenominational congregation serving the expatriate community in Antalya and seeking to follow Jesus together. On any given Saturday our congregation is likely to have people from up to 10 different nations. There are Europeans, North and South Americans, Africans and Asians, all drawn together by our common love for the Lord Jesus and our desire to follow him.
All of us speak English to a lesser or greater extent; some of us as our mother tongue, others as our second, third, fourth or fifth language. We understand that Jesus’ call to follow him, is also a call to walk with others. We recognize that can sometimes be difficult; none of us are perfect and there are many cultural differences to navigate. But the richness of the life and fellowship that we have together by God’s grace is well worth it.
We’d love to have you become part of our community as we seek to follow Jesus, become more like him, and serve others in his name. Join us any Saturday afternoon at Mozaik Cultural Center in Konyaaltı.